About Dr. Ed Cerday

About Dr. Ed Cerday MD DAAPM

Dr. Cerday is an Anesthesiologist who now practices primarily acute pain management, hormone balancing and weight management. His training enables him to manage pain issues expertly, typically focusing on spine and musculoskeletal extremities such as knees, shoulders, hips, and more. Dr. Cerday was initially trained as an Anesthesiologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School where he graduated in 1980. He subsequently earned a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management. He has performed over 30,000 anesthesia procedures including cardiovascular, neurosurgery, orthopedic and emergency room trauma cases. Dr. Cerday has several times been the recipient of the Patients’ Choice Award and the Compassionate Doctor Recognition Award.

In addition to his many years of training in anesthesiology and pain management, Dr. Cerday has received extensive training in optimizing a patient’s health and vitality by balancing a person’s hormone levels, supplying the body with the essential nutrients it needs to function at its best and assisting his patients in developing and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Dr. Cerday is committed to providing excellent care to all his patients with a focus on their individual needs. He doesn’t just treat symptoms. He works to find the underlying cause so his treatment can help to eliminate the actual problem.

Dr. Cerday is a Native American member of the Comanche Nation who served four years in the U.S. Marine Corp. He is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys a yearly bow hunting trip for elk and can regularly be found fishing off the coast near Port O’Connor, Texas.

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